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Here you will find gas grilling steak tips, a recipe for grilled beef tenderloin (cooked on a gas grill), a helpful instructional video on how to clean a gas grill with minimal effort, a highly recommended recipe book with mouth-watering gas grill recipes, and product suggestions for your own gas grill! Grilling is a quick and healthy way to prepare food and there's nothing that matches the taste of a smoking hot grilled steak. Find all of the information you need here.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

How Long Do You Cook A Medium Steak

Cooking steak to varying levels of doneness really is all around the type of cut of steak, how thick it is (the weight) and of course to what level you require it cooked to, but just how long do you cook a medium steak for? There are three dominant steak cooking categories namely;

Tender Filet Steak

Tender Filet Steak

1. ‘Rare’ - simply the outer skin of the steak is seared on a grill or frying pan but the majority of the steak remains in an uncooked state. Really only used for filet steak (or Filet Mignon as it is sometimes referred).

2. ‘Medium rare’ - the outer part of the steak is cooked with around half of of the meat content fully cooked through. You will have a small section of the middle of the steak which is pink.

3. ‘Medium’ - the majority of the steak is cooked and will exhibit a general light pink colour when cut through (the most common of steak cooking categories)

4. ‘Well Done’ - the entire steak is fully cooked through and should not have any signs of pinkness to the inside (does exactly what is says…)

The next consideration is of course the cut of steak, Rump steak, sirloin steak, or filet steak.

1. Rump - less tender of all the steaks.

2. Sirloin - second in line and a good compromise between the rump and filet (on price and tenderness) .

3. Filet Steak - the ultimate in steaks and most tender.

Given personal preferences makes how you cook you steaks difficult to generalise I have provided below a Steak Cooking Charts diagram below which covers the main sizes of steaks and how long to cook them before turning to a finish. You will see that in general terms how long do you cook a medium steak for is actually around 8 minutes for a steak about 3/4″ in thickness.

Cooking Time For Steaks Gas Grilling
Thickness Cooking Result First Side After Turning Total Cooking Time
3/4″ Rare 4 Minutes 2 Minutes 6 Minutes
3/4″ Medium 5 Minutes 3 Minutes 8 Minutes
3/4″ Well Done 7 Minutes 5 Minutes 12 Minutes
1″ Rare 5 Minutes 3 Minutes 8 Minutes
1″ Medium 6 Minutes 4 Minutes 10 Minutes
1″ Well Done 8 Minutes 6 Minutes 14 Minutes
1 1/4″ Rare 5 Minutes 4 Minutes 9 Minutes
1 1/4″ Medium 7 Minutes 5 Minutes 12 Minutes
1 1/4″ Well Done 9 Minutes 7 Minutes 16 Minutes
1 1/2″ Rare 6 Minutes 4 Minutes 10 Minutes
1 1/2″ Medium 7 Minutes 6 Minutes 13 Minutes
1 1/2″ Well Done 10 Minutes 8 Minutes 18 Minutes
1 3/4″ Rare 7 Minutes 5 Minutes 12 Minutes
1 3/4″ Medium 8 Minutes 7 Minutes 15 Minutes
1 3/4″ Well Done 11 Minutes 9 Minutes 20 Minutes
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