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Here you will find gas grilling steak tips, a recipe for grilled beef tenderloin (cooked on a gas grill), a helpful instructional video on how to clean a gas grill with minimal effort, a highly recommended recipe book with mouth-watering gas grill recipes, and product suggestions for your own gas grill! Grilling is a quick and healthy way to prepare food and there's nothing that matches the taste of a smoking hot grilled steak. Find all of the information you need here.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

How Long Do You Cook a Medium Steak

A lot of people like steak; there are probably hundreds of different ways to prepare steak and cook it. You can choose from barbecue sauce, steak sauce, and other ways of marinating it. Regardless of the marinade, there is also the degree of cooking. People have many preferences on how they like it: rare, medium rare, medium, medium well done, and well done. A majority of people like their steak medium because it has the right amount of juiciness without being too undercooked. Still, many do not know how medium steak is prepared.

There is no simple answer to the question “How long do you cook a medium steak?” Medium steak has a thick pink strip that can be found in the middle. If the meat is very red and juicy, it is still undercooked. If it is only pink but has no glossiness, the meat has been overcooked. The picture below shows a medium steak:


To prepare a medium steak, cook the meat on one side for about four minutes. Flip the meat and then touch it with your finger. Medium steak has about medium firmness. Rare steak is soft, while well done is already hard. The meat thermometer is better at gauging the tenderness. The temperature to be looking for is 160 degrees. When the meat thermometer tells you it is already 150 degrees, take the meat out. While the meat rests, it will gain an additional 5 to 10 degrees and the steak should now be medium.

Making a perfect medium steak should be easy now. Enjoy this newfound knowledge and cook away. You have to remember that these are just recommendations on how to make a medium steak. You may have your own personal steak preference and you should follow that.

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