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Here you will find gas grilling steak tips, a recipe for grilled beef tenderloin (cooked on a gas grill), a helpful instructional video on how to clean a gas grill with minimal effort, a highly recommended recipe book with mouth-watering gas grill recipes, and product suggestions for your own gas grill! Grilling is a quick and healthy way to prepare food and there's nothing that matches the taste of a smoking hot grilled steak. Find all of the information you need here.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Tips on Gas Grilling Steaks: How to Grill a Steak

Here, we can refer some very important advice to gas grilling steaks. These step-by-step instructions you need to help achieve a steak cooked perfectly, with little practice by your side.

For this procedure, you can choose a filet mignon. A filet mignon steak is a truncated one piece beef and you can pay a few extra bucks, but do not fret! Grilling a filet mignon is really not as difficult as the name might sound!

Begin by seasoning the filet. Use only freshly ground black pepper, because you must allow it to retain its original flavor. Le filet reach room temperature once it's seasoned. You can put it aside for at least 45 minutes and then continue from here.

Now, you need to fire up the grill. Let it remain in the highest temperature setting. With the help of tongs, place the steak on the grill. Let it remain in position for about 2 minutes. In case you notice a little flare, can defile a small amount of water to put it out. After 2 minutes, remove steak at a 90 degree angle and put it on the other side. After 5 minutes, flip again. While flipping, make sure you do so very gently and at the same spot. Removed from the gas grill for a total of 2 minutes. Now, rotate the steak and flip it back.

You also need to decide beforehand if you want the steak medium or medium rare. For this, you should check if the meat is well done. Avoid poking the steak. There is a different method to control and all you need to do is to give a nudge. If it leaves an indention in the finger, and a fine if you want it cooked medium. If he thinks the firm is well made and can be taken off the grill if you want it medium rare. It is totally depends on your personal preferences.

Once you decide if you want it medium or rare, to get it pinched gently. Place it aside on a plate. Let it stand for 2 minutes in order to determine good.
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